SL Chat time

SL Chat time
Its Coffee Time

Thursday, 4 August 2011

“Life is like a box of chocolates”

Sitting here with my afternoon cup of Coffee, I had just heard the expression, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get”, from the movie, Forrest Gump. 
This classic phrase from the movie, I honestly did not know how to interpret, or what it meant. Did it mean, we are pulled from all directions, never knowing what is going to happen in our lives, or perhaps it meant you never know what to expect next in your life.
SL (Second life) is a bit like that sometimes. We create works of art, we give meaning to new life, we love the ones beside us, we protect those we care about, but most of all we give a little of ourselves to everyone around us, whether we know it or not.  Each conversation we have with someone in SL, we are giving a little of ourselves away. We create an avatar of an ideal of what we would like to be, or the parts of us we would like to change. Myself, I don’t look exactly like “Mischa’, but the similarities are close hiding all the parts I don’t like to acknowledge myself. Others may think differently, but the faults I have in my life, I use that to hide from in SL.
It made me realise, what if I was to tell you that you have much more control of your life than you think you do?  What occurs in your life is a projection of your own thoughts?  We should never blame ourselves for everything that occurs in our life, we should take responsibility for what happens, and learn from our experiences.  That feeling you get from taking more responsibility puts you in more control and the realisation of what you can achieve.
I have noticed some relationships are like that in SL. We have the women and men that do the whole dating scene and scout around for that one beauty, or funny, or popular, or a leader, or has that talent, or even money.  We look for that soul mate, the person that can make us feel loved and warm, and the person/s that can be by our side living out the fantasy that we dare not create in RL, or are too scared to admit to change within ourselves.
I guess life is like a box of chocolates: We are given, or buy ourselves something that for some seems to be perfect, but when you get to the bottom of the box, those moments can be sweet, or sour.  If you honestly don’t like that sweet chocolate today, and want a change, then there is nothing stopping you from seeking out that perfect chocolate, or that moment in which can make you happy.

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