SL Chat time

SL Chat time
Its Coffee Time

Sunday, 21 August 2011

“Already Gone”

I’m sitting here sipping my Vittoria Coffee, listening to the sounds of Kelly Clarkson spilling out the song – “Already gone”.  Such a passionate song, and listening to the words, I’m wondering how I can help a friend who seems to be in a dilemma nearly every day.  This person, wants to forgive and forget, to move on and escape the hurt that they have suffered and aspire towards a newer, richer and fuller life, perhaps even to love another?

Is it possible to forgive and forget? Can we ignore the time spent with someone and the hurt that was left behind, only to know that each time they make contact, the hurt resurfaces and so does the confusion.

Forgiveness is a subject that comes up quite a bit in SL. Offenses are common, and the offender usually wants to be forgiven. But the offended is usually reluctant to forgive, particularly if the offender hasn't learned anything from the ordeal.  But if forgiveness is difficult, forgetting can be downright impossible for many.  How can people be expected to forget some of the most painful experiences of their lives? And/or try again or just decide to move on.

People live and breathe, in second life (SL). We escape reality only to find what happens in real life (RL) can also happen in SL.  Perhaps we go on SL to seek what is missing in RL or perhaps it is a way of making new friends, and meeting a loved one. However what happens in RL also happens in SL, and that one thing in common is being hurt.
If you have ever being the offender and made a mistake, and/or you are the person that has been the subject of an offense, then let it go, don’t try and make amends, the bitterness and anger will remain. 

It happened for a reason, and it takes a long time for the hurt to go away.  If the other person has moved on, then let them be happy and try and make it better for yourself next time.   Sometimes hitting a reset button does not work, but getting a new start in life and making oneself happy is very important. 

Singing to the words of Kelly “I want you to know, You couldn’t have loved me better, but I want you to move on, so I’m already gone” …from MM.

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