SL Chat time

SL Chat time
Its Coffee Time

Thursday 25 August 2011

“Is it Groundhog Day?”

Gently blowing my hot Vittoria Coffee, I realise today is like no other. What am I going to make of today? What is going to happen; what can I do to make this day different than the others.  I realise that today, it is feeling a little like what they call ‘Groundhog day’.

Living in Australia, I was unfamiliar with the term except for watching an old classic movie called, ‘Groundhog Day’ with Bill Murray and Andi McDowell.
In reading what Groundhog Day means, it states, “on the 2nd of February, In Northern America, The Groundhog wakes from winter slumber and sticks hear head out of her den.  If it is sunny enough for the groundhog to cast a shadow, the sleepy gal will get startled and run back into her den to continue napping. This will cause the cold winter weather to continue for 6 more weeks. If it is cloudy, there will be no shadow to startle her and she’ll wake up nice and slowly. She will then stay awake, causing the winter weather to recede and the spring weather to come early”.

To me Groundhog day means doing the same thing over and over again, i.e., We get up, get showered, dressed, have breakfast, get the kids off for school, and/or make their beds, drive our car to work, work a whole day then come back and organise dinner, bed and the ritual starts again.  Sometimes it feels like a rollercoaster ride and you wonder to yourself when will this ride stop? When can we do something different?  Maybe deep down that means I am in need of a holiday, but for some of us that ride just never stops.  
I guess in Second life (SL), we can always escape the rollercoaster ride, the feeling of Groundhog Day. There are always so many exciting places to explore, people to meet, items to build, decorate and create.  There are loved ones to cherish, parties to attend, clubs to explore, and various other places that we can ‘do something different each day’. 

I guess if real life (RL) and SL seem to both become a ‘groundhog day’ then perhaps it is time for a change, and a new outlet of life to explore. 
Does anyone know of some good places to explore in SL?

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